Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Survivor: Samoa Update...

With Foa Foa down to four tribe members, the merge finally happens on this weeks episode of "Survivor: Samoa."

Last week, Foa Foa voted out Elizabeth Kim, one of the tribe's strongest women players. But this week, it won't matter how strong the tribe is as, following the merge, it is every castaway for themself.

As you can see from the clip, all hell breaks loose, and no one can decide who should go home at Tribal Council. Will it be Laura, Shambo or Erik? And will someone tell Erik, who has the Immunity Idol, and could play it?

"Survivor: Samoa" Last show recap..

At least they split up the reward and immunity challenges once again. The covered item reward challenge is an old theme. But what I found interesting about tonight’s challenge was how quickly Shambo backed down when she was told to sit out Erik instead of Brett. The other women on the tribe are already leery about why the guys wanted Shambo. Shambo backing right down on her first decision reveals all. The others aren’t anywhere near as gullible as Shambo.

So, Laura ended up sent to Foa Foa when Galu won reward. Now, we all could have predicted that Evil Russell would be circling her like a lion after his prey. This misogynistic dude thinks all women will fall for his evil mojo. Alas, it looks like most do. Laura went into a final two deal with him. I wish we had more women with minds like Liz. But Liz tends to speak her mind just a bit too much. We need a quiet Liz.

At the immunity challenge it looked like Foa Foa might finally win. That is, until Jaison fell apart. He’s really irking me. I so liked him in the beginning. He’s smart, well-spoken, not evil, and looks like he should be fit enough to hang in there. He’s disappointing me more each episode.

1 comment:

Ms. April said...

This show is GREAT.....russel is so evil